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Case Study

Child Safe p3.PNG

Project Concept

The problem starts with parents feeling unsure of where the location of their child is. Child Safe provides an advanced mobile tracking system that ties in directly and communicates through a child’s wristband to receive location through a mobile phone, tablet, or computer by sending alerts to parents. The wristbands are designed for kindergarten-middle school students to ensure safety and location of the child when arriving and departing from school. The wristband show when buses arrive late, but also shows if your child safely got off the bus at school. The application will solve the problem by alerting parents where a child has arrived at school through their GPS tracking wristband.

Design Objective

For our product we want to first, insure we're giving our users the easiest way to track their children no matter which device they choose to use. The most important object is to  of simplify content and create a user-friendly task-flow that is transferable across a multitude of devices. The layout of content must maintain a cohesive look and the hierarchy and flow must allow for the completion of each task whether made on the desktop, tablet, or mobile. A responsive design would be the ultimate goal so content could be managed automatically based on a calculative evaluation and adjustment as each browser differs. Adaptive design is more cost effective, and more achievable without advanced coding. Adaptive design consists of creating static pages or screens that would load based on the pre-determined device dimensions detected.

"How might we insure parents their children are getting to and from school on time and safely?"

"How might we insure parents their children are getting to and from school on time and safely?"

Collaboration and Contributions

Collaboration and Contributions

Our team worked diligently throughout the entire process which required strong communication. Demonstrating leadership, together, we were able to helaunch the initial collaboration, which in turn, had provided each of us our own time to take on a leading role to complete the tasks required from; research, design, and implementing a working prototype for all three devices in both low and high-fidelity. We each worked to improve our message, our brand, and our design concepts. I was fortunate to help launch the initial press releases and contribute to design sketches, low fidelity designs, research and brainstorming to complete our priority guides and project concept. I especially enjoyed contributing to low and high fidelity designs for desktop. Working with my teammate, together we each created a variety of pages. I was able to refine, and add to the initial start for desktop by developing our profile, locate, registration, member, and other pages which were latest to our prototype that went out for testing. In collaboration I helped to generate a series of questions, tasks, and scenario for our user test on TrymyUI. After conducting my own user tests for desktop, I went back through all the user tests for desktop and reviewed the outcomes and provided screen shots, reports, and annotations after reviewing and reporting data which I plugged into both our User Research Report, and the final presentation I assembled for our team.  

"How might we insure parents their children are getting to and from school on time and safely?"

Low Fidelity Desktop

High Fidelity Desktop

Low Fidelity Desktop

High Fidelity Desktop

Click image to view prototype

Click image to view prototype

Click image to view prototype

Click image to view prototype

Click image to view prototype

20190221_132523 (1).jpg
20190221_132523 (1).jpg
desktop high 3.PNG
desktop high 3.PNG

Early Concepts Low Fidelity Desktop

Click image to view prototype

Desktop Original.PNG

Low Fidelity Mobile

High Fidelity Mobile

Low Fidelity Mobile

High Fidelity Mobile

Click image to view prototype

Click image to view prototype

Click image to view prototype

Click image to view prototype

mobile low fidelity.PNG
mobile high 1.PNG

Low Fidelity Tablet

High Fidelity Tablet

Click image to view prototype

Click image to view prototype

Screen Shot 2019-03-18 at 4.13.52 PM.png
Parents Profile.jpg

Prototype Demo: Desktop

This video will give you insight into the user's desktop experience.

This video will give you insight into the user's desktop experience.

Prototype Demo: Mobile

This video will give you insight into the user's desktop experience.

This video will give you insight into the user's desktop experience.

Prototype Demo: Tablet

This video will give you insight into the user's desktop experience.

Research Objective

The research objective is to find out if the application/website on mobile, tablet, and desktop is cohesive and easy to follow. Also, the designers wanted to discover if there is anything else the user would like to add, change or remove from the application itself. After collecting the date from the participants the goal is to find if the tool "Locate my Child" is easy to access and easy to use. We want to make sure that parents know what steps to take in order to locate their child in the least amount of time possible. We want the tool to be used intuitively, and making it easy to use through all of the devices, desktop, tablet, and mobile.

The research objective is to find out if the application/website on mobile, tablet, and desktop is cohesive and easy to follow. Also, the designers wanted to discover if there is anything else the user would like to add, change or remove from the application itself. After collecting the date from the participants the goal is to find if the tool "Locate my Child" is easy to access and easy to use. We want to make sure that parents know what steps to take in order to locate their child in the least amount of time possible. We want the tool to be used intuitively, and making it easy to use through all of the devices, desktop, tablet, and mobile.

Participant Information

All participants were peers, relatives, or friends of the test administrators. 27 participants performed the usability test on the following days: March 16, 2019 (3 participants), March 17, 2019 (4 participants), and March 2018 (1 participant). Of the 27 participants, 15 were female and 5 were males ages ranged from 25-65. Of the participants 12 have children. Out of the 27 participants only 4 had used prior to the test.

Quantitive / Qualitative Data:

Overall, the step-by-step process through each interface is user-friendly and makes things fairly easy to register and locate a child. There’s some confusion as to specific icons, needing more information throughout the process, and consistency in branding. See below for each device:

  • Mobile: Don't assume people know icons always label them unless it’s the phone i on or the "x" icon.

  • Mobile: People did not understand the bell icon was for alerts and notifications. (change to envelope?)

  • Mobile: Big profile pics are cool especially when they're for kids

  • Tablet: Profiles for the parent/kid were confusing to most users and a new layout of both of the profiles should be navigated differently. Like the both of there own tab. 

  • Tablet: Update bottom navigation and don't assume the users know what the icon is. Some users said, “descriptive words” would be a lot easier to understand.

  • Desktop: Users agree the registration process would be improved if brief instructions and/or descriptions were included to tell them what they were doing.

  • Desktop: There’s some inconsistencies with the sign-up and registration process. The registration screen comes up, but when you click to upload a photo, the form changes to add a child by mistake.

  • Desktop: Homepage font sizes vary, some are a little small to read. There’s also inconsistency with the orange color for the brand, and the “brownish-orange” color on the messages page.

The Challenge

Some of the challenges this project presented were related to design strategy in a "blocked" amount of time for turnaround. As a team we also had to work remotely quite a bit but fortunately our team was on point so that didn't take long. As far as challenges the timeline presented: It was tough coming up with content to streamline the tasks that needed to be executed, and then transferring this content quickly to other devices required us to make decisions about content and layout rather quickly. Originally we started with mobile, which felt like the most comfortable way of doing things. Mobile content is very packaged, bundled into menus and categories to eliminate confusion or too much content on each screen. When we transferred content to tablet we were able to spread things out a bit and unpack things in a way that gave us a little bit of breathing room. The hardest thing working this direction between devices was simplifying and reducing ideas, which eliminated content and initial design work to be executed. We knew our concept could expand and grow in a vast way, but needed to achieve the most important purpose, "tracking children". When we moved to desktop it felt like all of the sudden we had this large canvas with only the necessities. We had more flexibility to consider othe informational elements, or additions to the business and to their online presence but first focusing on function, then accessories. (so to speak)

Most Valuable Lesson Learned

I think the most valuable lesson learned was related to adaptive design. Our team had to practice proper communication and constantly use visuals to insure a cohesive design across all three devices. When we realized we could benefit more from starting with the smaller and more frequently used device, Mobile, we were able to think about bundling items in a clean and simple layout, using icons and hidden menus to better organize content. This geared our prototyping into focusing on function and accessibility. We had to figure out how to properly organize and structure content , considering hierarchy and distribution. Mobile forces the designer to break things down to the most necessary assets to perform each task the app is promising in an orderly fashion. Content awareness was a great lesson faced, one that we unpacked per device.

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